Cherry Pickin'- 5 Recipes with Cherry Tomatoes

By Jill Melton & Teresa Blackburn / Photography By | Last Updated August 02, 2015
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Sweet Cherry tomatoes for eating and cooking.

We love cooking with cherry tomatoes–they’re sweeter than big beefsteaks or Cherokee Purple’s and not nearly as watery, so they stay intact when mixed into dishes. And sometimes you want that. They’re great (and pretty) in this bean salad and roasted over polenta. The polenta is a great vegetarian dish that plays well to other roasted vegetables too. Try adding roasted squash, eggplant or red peppers.

Polenta with Corn and Roasted Tomatoes

A creamy side dish that takes full advantage of two of summer's tastiest crops.

Summer White Bean Salad

We like to cook a bag of dried white beans to have on hand for lots of recipes, but you can use 2 (15-ounce) cans drained white beans in this recipe also.

Three Tomato Salad with Creamy Artichoke Chicken Salad

Bushels of cherry tomatoes always take me by surprise. They still feel like diamonds in the rough. And they're still in abundance at my daughter's produce stand--chocolate cherry tomatoes, teardrop,...

Pickled Cherry Tomatoes

Most of us love cherry tomatoes. But add some pickling liquid, a bit of red pepper flakes, other spices — and they becomes a surprise in the mouth. For these Pickled Cherry Tomatoes. Use any...

Chicken Roasted with Cherry Tomatoes and Balsamic

In my garden, cherry tomatoes linger well into October. Here is a a simple warming chicken dish that makes great use of the sweet small beauties. Sauté the chicken to a beautiful brown in an oven...

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