7 Grapefruit Recipes

Photography By | Last Updated January 11, 2018
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From dinner to breakfast, grapefruit makes dull winter days brighter, tastier and full of Vitamin C. 

Beet Grapefruit Salad

Perk up your winter blues with this cheery cold plate. This combination strikes just the right notes—earthy to neutral to floral—firm to creamy to juicy—vegetable, fruits, greens. And color!...

Citrus and Apricot Compote

This sprightly fruit compote capitalizes on in-season winter citrus and dried fruits. Solo, it's sunlight in a bowl, but also perfect spooned over ice cream or angel food cake.

Laura Lea's Workout Water

This refreshing workout water is from Laura Lea's Balanced Cookbook. Use hibiscus of strawberry tea or any fruity and refreshing tea. You could also use green tea, if you want a little caffeine...

Winter Salad

The winter version of a panzella salad. Excerpted from What Can I Bring? by Elizabeth Heiskell. Copyright © 2017 Oxmoor House. Reprinted with permission from Time Inc. Books, a...

Winter Jewel Salad with Honey-roasted Shallot Vinaigrette

Maybe the holidays don't have to be a mad dash, stress-filled careen through the remaining days of the year. What if it’s simply fun? Fun, with an accent on simple. Here is a salad mixed with that...

Healthy February Fruit Salad

This healthy winter fruit salad combines fruits that shine in the cold winter months—citrus, grapes and pomegranates. Perfect for potlucks, breakfast, and dessert.

New Year Ambrosia

Ambrosia, nectar of the gods, made a misstep some time in the mid-twentieth century when it took miniature marshmallows and canned fruit sections into its company. For a dish that conferred...

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