Recipes for a Winter CSA: Cauliflower, Turnips and Kale Oh My!

Last Updated December 06, 2016
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winter CSA

Winter doesn't stop for the CSA baskets from our local farmers. Bloomsbury baskets were full or greens, turnips. radishes, cauliflower (the yellow variety) and sprouts. Bells Bends and Delvin  and HIll and Hollow Farms CSA, the same. While we go into the dark months of winter, here are some recipes using the winter bounty: cauliflower, kale, greens, radishes, carrots and beets. 

Kayne Prime's Kale Salad

This is hands down the best selling side at Kayne Prime Steakhouse. They make it in huge quantities. As the kale isn't cooked, the key is to finely chop the kale in a food processor.

Sweet Potato, Kale, and Red Lentil Soup

Melissa Haithcock of the blog cooked up this hearty vegetarian soup at The Edible Kitchen in November.

Roasted Radishes

This simple seasonal recipe is from Chef Charles Hunter III of The Salted Table Co., a private chef catering company.

Cream of Celery Soup

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"I've never really known how to cook collards the old-fashioned Southern way, nor have I been that fond of them. But when a friend cooked farm fresh collard greens with pancetta, garlic, onion and...

Creamy Kale Lasagna with Pesto

A gutsy green lasagna loaded with vitamins and great taste. Oh, and it's vegetarian. 

Za’atar Roasted Carrots

"These generously seasoned, sweet roasted carrots remind me that this vegetable can take on such a variety of spices..."

Sliced Radish and Apple Salad

I first tried this recipe on willing and excited guests during my Fall Supper Club, making use of fresh radishes and fall apples from Bloomsbury Farms here in Nashville. Even feeding fifty guests, it...

Skylar Bush's Quick Pickled Radishes

These quick and easy pickled radishes are out of this world and perfect on sandwiches, such as our Lamb Sliders that Skylar demonstrated at our The Edible Kitchen at The Sunday Market on April 8, 2018...

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