25 Best Restaurants in Nashville Right Now
This week, the NY Times came out with their 25 Best Restaurants in Nasvhille Right Now list. And who doesn't love a good list. We love this list and are happy to say we have covered a lot of the restaurants listed with the exception of the new ones we haven't made it to yet. Our coverage goes beyond the "spark notes" and delves into the chefs and stories only known to locals. We're thrilled that every single restaurant on thier list is a locally owned and operated one. Keep in mind, there are many great restaurants in Nashville not on the list. See them here.
To read our up to date coverage check out our Where We're Eating Now columns.
Here is the NYT list (in alphabetical order). Click on the highlighted restaurants to read our coverage of them. Frequently the story behind the story.
Bad Idea
Silver Sands