Hill and Hollow Lemons

Last Updated February 28, 2017
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The sunshine state gets most the credit for the abundance of winter citrus we squeeze into our tea or enjoy in a glass with our breakfast. But this winter, just a short drive away, Hill and Hollow farm is practically bursting with Meyer lemons. Certified organic, the lemons are the product of Robin and Paul of Hill and Hollow Farm in Edmonton, KY. We discovered them while visiting for a story back in November. According to Robin Verson, they planted the tree as a lark in their new greenhouse. And lo and behold the tree is prolific as can be. If you were lucky enough to be at the CSA Fair at the Nashville Farmers' Market this poast weekend, you might have snagged some. If so, here are 5 of our favorite lemon recipes for a burst of bright sunshine in February.

Lemon Risotto with Fresh Fava Beans

This recipe is adapted from Anna Thomas’s book, Vegan Vegetarian Omnivore: Dinner for Everyone at the table (W.W. Norton & Company 2016). If you can get your hands on fava beans, by all means do. If...

Capellini with Lemon, Leeks, and Olive Oil

There’s nothing to match the power and versatility of the mighty lemon, whose juice and fragrant zest elevate all manner of sweet and savory things. In this pasta recipe, the lemon is is the star...

Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars

Cheesecake collides with fresh blueberries and a streusel topping in this easy recipe. Of course we use local blueberries when in season. 

Meyer Lemon Tarts

What happens when you can't find your tart pan and Target doesn't have one, you improvise and use what you have. I stumbled on these 4-inch vintage tart or pie pans, that a girlfriend found scavenging...

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