Tickets to 2024 Creek Dinner

Photography By | March 13, 2023
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Guests splashing in the creek at West Glow Farm at this year's Creek Dinner.


2024 Creek Dinner tickets on sale here. 

We have control over many things at our Creek Dinners, but mother nature isn't one of them. Last year, after a deluge of rain on Thursday, hopes of eating in the creek over the weekend were bleak. With the table set on the bank of the creek (beautiful nonetheless), we left the farm and prayed for sun. It worked. Friday morning, with no rain overnight, the creek was down and perfect for dining.  We got to work. Tables and chairs were moved,  linens draped, utensils set, water glasses arranged, and the beautiful menus designed by calligrapher Anna Lora Whitley, placed. Wine thoughtfully curated for our surf and turf menu by Midtown Corkdorks was opened, and beer by New Heights Brewery was iced. The Botanist Gin was set up for a tasting of their spirit made with 22 botanical herbs, and the cocktail, "The Gin Fix" was ready to dispense over ice. Uncle Nearest Whiskey was set up with their original cocktail, in all its purple glory from Butterfly Pea Flowers.  Guitar and fiddle music wafted over the bucolic green field of West Glow Farm. The team from Marsh House with chef Skylar Bush were tending fires, whirling up gazpacho and tossing tomatoes. 

Last but never least, our fearless volunteers were aproned up and ready to serve. 

Our Edible Farm Dinners are a labor of love. Love for our local farmers and what they grow, for the chefs at local restaurants that cook it, for the land we serve it on, and for all the artisans that make our events unique. But also for our guests who come as strangers and leave as friends. Numbers are swapped, plans are made, laughter is shared. It's what we do. Thank you for joining us. 

See the photo gallery of the 2023 Creek Dinner here. 



Photo 1: Executive Chef of Marsh House, Brian Landry.
Photo 2: Gazpacho shooters with microgreens
Photo 3: the bar, ready and waiting

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