6 Spring Cakes

Last Updated April 01, 2020
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Delta Caramel Cake from Nashvillian Ann Byrn

Coconut to Banana Butter Pecan, Layered to Sheet Pan, we have all the cakes for Spring celebrations. 

Tres Leches Cake

The perfect ending to a spicy Mexican meal is this creamy cool vanilla cake drenched in 3 milks. 

Butter Pecan Banana Cream Cake

Looking for a job? Hint: Bring cake.   Life is good when you (finally) hire a publishing assistant and to thank you she walks in with peach brown sugar bundtlettes with salted caramel sauce...

Jill's Carrot Cake

carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
This is the carrot cake I've made for years—35 to be exact. It has the perfect balance of pineapple to carrot to cream cheese frosting. It was my husband's birthday cake of choice for years. In fact...

Delta Caramel Cake

This cake is excerpted from American Cake, a beautiful new book by Nashvillian Anne Byrn, (aka The Cake Mix Doctor). From Colonial Gingerbread to Classic Layer, it gives us a snapshot of the stories...

Coconut Cake for Spring Occasions

This dense coconutty cake is gluten free and sandwiched in between layers of fluffy white chocolate whipped cream. it's reminiscent of icebox cakes that your gradma might have made and perfect fot...

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