Nashville's Broadway

Last Updated May 19, 2021
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Nothing embodies Nashville like Broadway. It is a true melting pot of voices, backgrounds, experiences, fortes, and personalities. A pulsing bloodline straight through the heart of Music City, it is its own microcosm of passion, faith, and drive. It's easy for us natives to take it for granted or designate it as strictly tourist pleasure. But beyond the bachelorette parties and weekend night craziness, Broadway stands as a beautiful mecca of emerging and tenured musicians and singers, pouring out covers and original music hour after hour, day after day, right in our backyard.


Food, like music, evokes an instant reaction or memory. They are intrinsically linked and bind us together in ways that no other medium can. Twice a month, we explore these memories with local musicians online in our web series On Broadway. Here are some of our favorites!

On Broadway - Jake Durkin & Barbequed Mushrooms

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Brandi Shae & Pop's Chocolate Gravy and Biscuits

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Carrie Welling & Fried Chicken

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - James Hochberger & Mama's Chicken Potpie

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Spencer Waasdorp & The Garbage Plate

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Rachel Lipsky & French Toast

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - KC Johns & Tofu with Vegetables

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Greg Pratt & "Party Potatoes"

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Chris Lane

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....

On Broadway - Rylan Fowler & Macaroni and Cheese

On Broadway is a bi-monthly web series that delves into the food memories of the talented musicians of Broadway in downtown Nashville....
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