Super Easy Sausage Dinners

March 01, 2017
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Sure there aren't juicy tomatoes or sweet peaches in season yet, but there are lots of greens--particularly tender baby greens--due to the use of hoop houses by middle Tenessee farmers. Produce Place had some beautiful arugula and Han Tsai Tai from Bloomsbury Farm that was iresistable. Eric from the Produce Place (good peeps there) also insisted I take a package of the fresh pork sausage from Downing Cattle, saying that it had probably been alive just a couple days ago. Maybe TMI? 

With ingredients like this, you don't need much else. I sauteed up the sausage with some garlic, tossed it with the fresh greens and hot cooked pasta and showered it with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Boom. Dinner. 

The next night I cooked up the remaining sausage tossed it with some lentils, spooned into a halved roasted butternut squash, topped with cheddar cheese (I know, a theme here) and baked it. Tada. Enjoy. For more simple fresh recipes using local in-season ingredients, go to

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