1. To prepare crust, place flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in the bowl of a food processor. Add the butter and pulse until the pieces of butter are the size of peas. Add the liquid and pulse only until the dough is moistened. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least ½ hour.
2. To prepare filling, preheat oven to 350F. Place almonds on a baking sheet and bake 10 minutes. When cool, place in bowl, add flour and ricotta cheese, and mix well.
3. In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs, sugar, vanilla, and liqueur. Add cheese mixture and beat well.
4. Increase oven to 375F.
5. Butter a 9” deep-dish tart pan with a removable bottom. Roll out two-thirds of the dough and line the pan with it. Pour the cheese mixture into it, place the pan on a rimmed baking sheet to catch any drips, and bake 40-45 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
6. Meanwhile, roll out the remaining dough and cut into ½ – inch strips. Cut out a parchment circle the same size as the top of the cake pan or pie plate and make a lattice on the parchment with the strips. Place in oven on a baking sheet with sides (to catch the butter that will drip out), and bake about 10-15 minutes. Let cool.
7. When the cake is done, remove from oven and set it on a rack still in the pan. Slide the cooked lattice onto it. When cool, remove from pan and sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar, if desired.
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